The J35 is widely said to be one of the best sailing boats ever designed. And a motivated seller wants to someone to have a great time with this one. With the design of the interior on the J35, you can have great fun and be very competitive on the race course,and then be comfortable sailing with friends and family. This J35 has what is called the "Full accommodation Plan" on the interior, with a deck and cockpit layout that make it very easy to sail, and easy to sail fast.
Many J35's only have sail storage forward, but this one came with a forward vee berth forsleeping and cruis ing. The center cushion can be taken out for sleeping crew is needed. All the cushions can be removed for sail storage when you want to race. There is drainage in the floor if sails are wet when taken down.
Next aft and to port is the head. A real head with holding tank. A new head was installed in 2008. The head could be closed off for privacy. Across to starboard is a large hanging locker. There is an opening overhead hatch, and 2 opening ports for light and ventilation.
The salon is next aft with full length settees on both sides of the cabin. This is a simple, yet functional space. Lot of room to move around while racing, but comfortable for the cruise back home. Shelves and storage are built in on both side behind the settees, and under the cushions. The salon has 4 large opening ports and an overhead hatch for light and comfort. The cushions were all recovered in 2010.
Moving aft to starboard, you find the nav area with the Raymarine C70 color chartplotter, and the electrical controls for the boat. There is a huge, deep and well insulated, top opening icebox built into the base for the nav center.
There are 2 generous side quarterberths on each aft quarter of the boat. 
The galley area is to port with an Origo two-burner alcohol stove and oven - gimballed, a S.S. sink with water, and storage.
The following info came from the manufacturer .....
There are more J-35s sailing one-design, and active in IMS or PHRF, than any other sailboat over 30 feet LOA in the world - 300 boats in 15 nations. Under these rules and CHS, no 35-footer can match her all-round speed and race-winning record. One-design events of 15 or more boats are a frequent occurrence at Block Island, Key West, Annapolis, Lake Michigan, San Francisco and Southern California. More than 30 attend the North American Championship. The J-35 Class Association is active in promoting events, publishing the Class Newsletter and developing Class Rules such as the requirement that the owner, or a family member, steer the boat in Class events. The new single-level racing cockpit is designed for better foot support when sitting out to windward or moving inboard when at the tiller. It is longer for better crew operation forward of the traveler. And, the raised 2-inch coaming deflects water aft along the deck and helps hold crew out on the weather rail. Speed producing factors such as hull shape, blade design, rig and displacement are the same as those for hull number one, which won the J-35 one-design division at Block Island in 1991. Belowdecks she has a private V-berth, head and hanging locker forward, comfortable settee berths and galley in the main cabin with quarterberths aft. Main cabin finish is teak and holly sole, composite panels with white Formica facing, and vinyl hull and deck lining.