
Greg Barker - - Greg
Barker is a forty-something architect from San Luis Obispo, California,
USA. He is currently building his sailing skills for that big trip to Alaska
a couple years (or more) from now, but sails his Lido 14 when immediate
is needed. Otherwise, he charters crusing boats out of Santa Barbara. Contact
Greg at gabarker@aol.com if you get a chance to visit the California Central
Coast. This is not his Lido 14 in the picture. :^}
Cameron Berkman - - Telecommunciations
project manager for Optus, the Australian telco . Part time sailing instructor,
wannabe retiree & liveaboard on something big, solid, wooden and capable
of sailing long distances in a single bound.
One of the few Antipodean yachties
on the list, he sails on Sydney Harbour most weekends dodging the ferries
freighters. He is an AYF accredited Sailing Instructor. Being "boatless"
gives Cameron the opportunity to sail on lots of other people's boats (it's
cheaper that way!), mostly Beneteaus, Jenneaus, Robertson, Cavalier, Etchells.
Cameron has been sailing and racing
seriously since 1990. A personal goal is to crew in the Sydney to Hobart
one year....one day....But the joy of his life would have to be the charter
cruises - relaxed sailing with good friends, fine food and wine, and lots
of laughter. Favorite places include Sydney Harbour, Pittwater and the
Whitsundays but the piece de resistance would have to be Tahiti (a Polynesian
word meaning "sailing across the clouds in heaven". For those of you who
speak French or Polynesian, you'll know I'm joking! $-> ).
Jim Bradley - -
of our Fearless Leaders leading the pack while racing his "Chance Along".
Barry Brazier - - Home
Page at Deakin University (Rusden)
Fred Carpenter - - Sailing
Resume - -
is pictured here standing watch at the helm of "Malaquena" (a 75' North
Sea Trawler) in La Paz, Mexico.
Latimer Clark - - The
Yacht Designers Website
Brian Cleverly -
is a young 60 year old Aussie now living in Sacramento, California. Brian
bought a boat and took up sailing, because everyone was doing it, in 1972
when he moved to New Zealand.
He prefers ocean voyaging and has 5 Tasman Sea crossings,
a solo circumnavigation of both island of NZ, two Hawaii to west coast
deliveries, and he left the "world" for 9 months in 1976 when with 3 buddies
he voyaged from Auckland to Vancouver Canada.
Not a boat owner at present, Brian currently runs
his own Sail Boat Refurbishing business, where he buys insurance write-offs
and refurbishes them for resale.
Chris Crandall -currently
spends more
teaching Jayhawks the rudiments of cognitive dissonance than out sailing
one of his (way too many) boats. This picture shows the produce of
his labors on the non-sailing part of this list, which is always misprinted
in the list banner--amateurish boat building. I'm currently building a
Michalak mini-shanty boat, a design I call a "Harmonica", but Michalak
calls something else.
Judy Cunningham & Captain Bill
Barlow on a friend's
Hunter 40 at Lake Texoma. Yes, we have different last names. Yes, we are
married. I (Judy) work for Dallas County Community College District as
a computer Help Desk Analyst. I'm the one who answers all our employees'
questions about application software we support.
Bill & I met in January of 1988,
when he walked into a meeting of Antares Yacht Club and announced that
he needed race crew for his Cal 25 on Lake Ray Hubbard. I volunteered to
crew for him, but only if the temperature was above 50 degrees. In February,
on a Sunday when it was supposed to be 51 degrees, I got The Call from
him, responded, and we've been together ever since..

Captain Bill has the "glamour" job.
He works for Tidewater Marine as an off-shore supply vessel captain, working
on a big boat off-shore for 28 days, then coming home for 14. Bill's an
ex-navy man, if anyone is ever "ex" when it comes to the U.S. Navy, and
learned to sail during the time he was working for Uncle Sam in southeast
Asia back in the 60's. He's been hooked on it ever since. It was late 1991
when he first sat for the Coast Guard Master's License exams, and was issued
his 25 Ton ticket. Now he has a 500 Ton ticket, and is steadily building
sea-time and credentials for the next level.
We live in Garland, Texas, a suburb
of Dallas, and still have the old Cal 25 on Lake Ray Hubbard. We used to
sail it, when there was water in the Lake. There's been quite a bit of
rain lately, tho, so we may be able to sail again before long.
Bill & I built our own Cape Cod
Frosty, a 6 foot, 2 inch little wooden sloop, which is a hoot to sail.
I learned more about boat building than I ever wanted to know. But that's
a story for another time.
Matts Djos - "Doc"
.....age 60 (ouch!) ...... djos@wpogate.mesa.colorado.edu Been sailing
since age 15 (paleolithic) on a menagerie of stuff:...raced
cruised em, sunk em, cursed em, ....--still trying to learn ..........currently
fumbling around in 15 knot winds on a Balboa 26 and a Victoria 18
. Married 38 years to infinitely patient strawberry blond who loves sailing
.....Sailing on Lake Powell (pure majesty); Pacific NW--Puget Sound, the
San Juans; So. Cal--Channel Island; mud puddles and Colorado high country
Native of Seattle, WA.for 37 yrs...
been waggling around pretending to be an English prof. at Mesa State in
Colorado for the past 20...digress a lot during dull lectures, write a
bit now and then, do research on weird topics and attend conferences with
other folks who love dull subjects....Winter diversions: Yacht-L, skiing
Colorado powder, mumbling, reading...my mind is out to get me....
Tom Dove-- Tom
and Pam Dove's Home Page - Yacht-L
Rick Emerson - -
wife Chris and I have been messing about on boats for the last 15 years
or so, starting with a Sunfish, moving on to a West Wight Potter (still
a neat boat after all these years), and 10 years with a Seafarer 26, "Caribe"
(including living aboard briefly in the Yorktown, VA area), before coming
to our current love, a Baba 35 "One With The Wind". Most of our sailing
is on the Chesapeake out of the Kent Narrows area although we manage at
least one trip a year to the lower Bay. I've done some coastal sailing
including the delivery of a Tayana 37 from New Rochelle, NY which supplied
more object lessons in how not manage a boat than I care to admit to. I
also publish "Baba Salt" the newsletter for Baba, Tashiba, Panda, and Taswell
owners (e-mail to rick@ssg.com for details). In my non-sailing hours I
work as a small systems computer consultant while Chris is a corporate
trademark attorney. Interests bridging both life ashore and afloat include
photography and guitar strumming (the current inventory includes a pair
of Ovations, 6 and 12 string, and an Epiphone Joe Pass).
Jay Fraser - Photo
Born without a brain, Jay Fraser has astounded medical science by surviving
through his 35th year.
been sailing for 20 years ... with a couple of 10 year breaks. He lives
aboard his 1968 Islander 37, "Je Suis Prest." The name of the boat is archaic
french for "Look Out!"
Jay lives just outside of Portland, Oregon. He trys to fool people into
believing he knows something about graphic design, and enjoys talking about
himself in the third person.
Brent O. Forsberg
Bob Fritz - - I began
racing a Star as a teenager on Western Long Island Sound in the 1950s and
did collegiate dinghy racing at Bowdoin College. After moving to Atlanta
in 1969,
raced dinghies (mostly Lasers) and a J22 on Lake Lanier and did IOR racing
in Florida for many years. To satisfy my passion for long distance sailing,
I have delivered sailboats along the US East Coast, to and from the Caribbean,
to Mexico, and in the Great Lakes. In 1994 I did an eastbound transatlantic
passage to Scotland, in '95 a passsage from Scotland to Norway via the
Shetland Islands, and in '96 a westbound transatlantic from Scotland to
the Chesapeake Bay via Iceland and Newfoundland. My favorite cruising area
is the West Coast of Scotland. Presently, I own (with Jan Mohlhenrich)
a Ranger 26 and a S&S Pilot 35 which we sail out of Milwaukee on Lake
Bryan Genez - began sailing
as a teenager, but didn't get serious until moving
the Chesapeake Bay in 1980. After several seasons of crewing for
friends, Bryan bought Capella, a 1977 Valiant 40, and moved aboard. Capella,
Bryan, and assorted crew - often including his Schipperke, "Jib" - have
sailed the US East Coast, Bermuda, and Nova Scotia. Bryan currently
works as a broker with Annapolis Sailyard accumulating cruising chips so
that he and Linda can make their escape, sometime around the turn of the
Jim "Flash" Gordon - - a
yacht broker in St. Petersburg, FL,
Jim sails an Ericson 35 with his two BIG dogs on Tampa Bay and the Gulf
of Mexico. He says, "I'm just not happy unless I can sail 100 times a year."
Jan Guthrie - Jan
Guthrie Yacht Brokerage - (I am looking for the right picture, or on
the other hand I just might use an extra one of Shambie.) :^)
Shambala Ann Hammett - -The
Pyrate Girl's Home Page
all of us in the northern laditudes what summer feels like.
D. Cap Introne - - Stable
Isotope Laboratory
a scurvy dog, has been a boat person since birth. After ramming the Mayflower
II in a 28' Cruise-Along stinkpot with his father at age 5, he has continued
family tradition and has broken, smashed, rammed, and run aground boats
(both sail and power) on both Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the Caribbean
and the Gulf of Mexico. Brief stints as a commercial fisherman, yacht deliverer
and intercollegiate racing sailor yielded to a career in Oceanography at
the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science in Miami, FL, the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst, The Univ of Rhode Island, Oregon State Univ,
Scripps Inst of Oceanography and finally to semi-retirement at the Univ
of Maine. Besides being thrown out of some of the worlds most prestigious
oceanographic institutions he has always managed to land a job near some
great cruising ground, despite a record of not being able to hold a job
at one place for more than a few years. An owner and lover of wooden boats,
he succumbed to the niceties of Clorox bottle sailing and backyard maintenance
and now owns an old trailerable O'Day 20 and various and sundry other small
craft. He is much in demand for crew, not because of his innate ability
or glowing personality, but because he knows most of the best clam flats,
mussel beds, or fishing holes and he always brings his own booze!
Guess which one is Cap and which ones are his children.
Elbert Kennard --(How
did he get so high?}
a professional photographer, I've been on or near the water all of my life
I started out racing and building hydroplanes back in the early 60's and
have been sailing for the past 20 years. I currently have a 27' Hunter
and sail it out of Jordan Creek North Carolina from the River Rat Yacht
Jon Klapper - - The
Downtown Sailing Center of Baltimore
Dennis L. Kimmell - -
Home Page w/ picture- - http://gozips.uakron.edu/~dlk/
Millard Kirk - - West
Virginia Blue Water Sailor - Navigation-L
John Kohnen - - John's
Home Page
I live in Eugene, Oregon and am just finishing
(have been for months!) a Six-Hour Canoe.
E.R. "Eppo" Kooi -
finally a picture of our other fearless leader !! Is all that work on his
desk from Yacht-L ? And a new picture of Eppo and Carla on their boat Gabbina,
the Italian equivalent for Kooi, but also meaning small sail, small cabin
(in a boat) and reminding Carla and Eppo of their frequent visits during
many years to Italy.
Mike Krantz -- Photo
Avid racer, can usually be found at SORC,Key West,WFORC.
following the Melge 24 winter circuit. Do you need crew? Left coast,Great
Lakes, Islands. I have a flexible job and loves to travel
Geoff Kuenning - - Home
Page - - Crew
List Index - Yacht-L
Chris Lydle - - Surf
City Yacht Club of New Jersey - Liveaboard-L
Jim "Mayday" Mady - The
Float Plan Home Page

the photo, from L to R Tom Otterbein (real skipper
of Topgun when they filmed the movie), JR Davis (an F-14 Puke), Ellen Mady,
and me (the guy with the big forehead), aboard our Tayana 37 Rabelais Maru
off San Diego. See, fighter pilots can too be fat and bald.
Mike Maher - - I'm one
of the Aussie contingent. Been a member now for about a year and I fly
the burgee with pride. I'm
the part owner of a Jeanneau Sunrise 34 (Soleil) which weve owned for about
a year, before that a cute 26 footer for about ten years. Mostly into local
family cruising with dreams of taking off for a few years...maybe one day.
Just love reading the stories by YACHT-L folks who sail to far away places..
My biggest thrill was sailing in the Sydney to Hobart a last year aboard
a friends 40ft ketch. We had tried a couple of years earlier but retired
in the Bass Straite when the skipper busted his ribbs. Apart from that
I've clocked up a few miles on coastal trips and done a few ocean races
other than the Hobart. Everybody responsible for the running of YACHT-L
is to be congratulated its as good as any Yacht Club I know and I learn
so much from the messages.
Capt. James H.E. Maugham - -
James' Crew/Boat Swaplist

Capt. James , otherwise known as NEPTUNUS, REX, is
King of the Seas and Master of all who sail upon them. Shown here being
ferried ashore by two of His loyal subjects, he can normally be found enlightening
the masses with His tales of derring-do while supporting the bar in suitably
chic establishments. (OK, Capt., What happened
to the boat??? <bg>)
Ken Miller - -has
been boating all his life. He has been sailing for 17 years,
a 19 foot Mirage that he rebuilt form the bottom of Lake St. Claire, then
a succession of boats to Devil's Dream, II, a 1971 Tartan 34.
Most of his sailing is done on Lake Huron during an annual summer cruise.
He singlehands the boat because in his own words: "I'm much too obnoxious
for anybody to spend that much time with."
Ken is the Senior Editor of Great
Lakes Cruiser Magazine. It is a publication for boaters who travel
the Great Lakes, featuring three harbors each month. He writes for
and contributes drawings to each issue. Some of his art is for sale
through the magazine. In real life Ken is the manager of the Bowen
Branch of Detroit Public Library and a part-time square dance caller.
The calling supports his sailing habit, hence the boat name: Devil's Dream
--it's his favorite hoe-down. Ken is the artist who did the drawing
of the buoy on the top of this page..
Tom Mitchell - -
Tom Mitchell Homepage - Yacht-L
Keith & Judy Moore -
sail their Catalina 30, "Distant Drummer" on Cave Run Lake in Eastern
Kentucky. They have done a few coastal charters and a delivery for a friend.
They are Assoc. members of the Jordan Creek River Rat Yacht Club and Charter
members of the Farmers Yacht and Tractor Club. Stop in and see them, if
you're ever in the area.
Kinh Luan Nguyenngoc
I decided upon the pictured 12 ft Topper scow partly because I could moor
it in an apartment bedroom of yore...besides it was my first sail ever...when
I was ready for a cruiser, I needed the ability to anchor it in my garage...thus
My Other Sailboat is a Montgomery 15...I do have an emotional resonance
with diminutive sailcraft, I think sailing was one of those accidents in
my life...looking back, it was more than just a minor accident...it is
still too early though, for me to know what sailing will rilly mean, in
the journey ahead...at the present, it means being connected to a community
of sailors, and that is blessing enuf !!! 117.8 W 34.0 N
and Jackie O'Meara - St.
Brendan's Isle -
sailing 30+ years ago on the Chesapeake while stationed at NAS Patuxent
River, MD. After careers in the Navy (Tom) and as Newspaper Editor
and Univ. Grad Program Mgmt (Jackie), Orange Park FL became home.
Cruising friends needing mail forwarding and message services planted the
seed for "St. Brendan's Isle, Inc." about ten years ago. Boats came
and went, but the first 'St. Brendan's Isle' (the boat) was a 50' steel
schooner designed by J. Murray Watts. The second was a 40' Hunter.
The third will be a cruising catamaran. We are sort of moving up
the technology ladder here. :)
Anyone passing through the Jacksonville/Orange Park area
is welcome to stop by. We keep a pot of coffee on ALL the time (old
Navy habits die hard). St. Brendan's Isle, Inc. (the company) will be moving
to Green Cove Springs just south of Orange Park very soon. We will
be one block from the waterfront (St. John's River) right up the street
from the Municipal (free) pier. If you cruise the beautiful St. John's
River stop by for a visit.
David Wilkie Owen - -Wilkie's
Page and photo to the right. (So far this
wins the "Capt.
J.E. Maugham Award"
guess what I really look like.)
Bill Palmer - - Racing
season in Manila is just starting to crank up, but we do have a few late
arrival typhoons stirring up the area. All in all, this is a good place
to sail, China Sea has lots of blue water and breeze. A typical race starts
out of Manila Bay on Friday night, ending sometime Saturday. We anchor
and just rest which always includes a few San Miguel beers and then there
is a party in the evening. Sunday morning all sail back to Manila. The
boat I race on is a S&S 36. The owner and the crew are all expats all
over 50 years old. We get our licks in and take a fair share of wins.
Joseph Pasquale - - The
Pasquale Family Home Page
Gerry Petrecca (below
and to the right)

Peter Robson -
know I was born with a brain because my parents always told me "you were
born with a brain why don't you use it!" Ex fence rider, ex outboard mechanic,
ex car mechanic, ex tug boat deck hand-engineer, ex seiner, ex gillneter,
ex troller, ex logging bridge builder, ex private island caretaker, ex
fly in arctic mining camp builder, ex cabinet maker, ex science world exhibit
builder, now doing house renovations. What's next? Presently boat less
in Vancouver B.C. Canada but crewing on a Soling and dreaming of the Olympics
(and I mean dreaming). I was the proud owner (12 years) of Hi-Ho II, a
27' ceder on oak sloop built in Vancouver in 1937. She looks like a Dragon
with a cabin. I've been to just about every nook and cranny from Seattle
to the Aleutians and spent a lot of time sailing in the South Pacific.
Now at 45 I'm hanging on with tooth and nail at the top of the slippery
slope and I'm not letting go!
Sellar - - Bill proudly watching his
Southern Cross 39 "Nemo" being launched for the first time after he bought
Mel Sinclair - - Go to his home
page to find out A Little Bit
About The Sinclair Family -
a photo of a proud lurker happily at anchor on a sailing vacation charter.
Dave & Rosemary Sutherland -

Dave is 46 and lives in Roberts Creek, B.C. His email address is: dave_sutherland@sunshine.net
IRC Nick: SaltTDog ..... you can often find me
in #sailing on Newnet or #Canadians-over-30 on Dalnet. My hobbies: Sailing
(NO!! Really?????), Yacht-L, IRC, fooling around with computers, and reading
Patrick O'Brian. Children: Scott (19) and Glen (13)
Ken Walker's - - Ken
Walker's Home Page

Alex Weinert - Photo
Alex lives in Seattle, Washington. He sails with
his dog, Phantom, his wife, Heather, and anyone else foolish enough to
come along. Alex passes his non sailing time as a software developer. Alex
and Heather own Clipper Marine MK26 "Agape", which is an old greek word
for principled or unconditional love. They hope to move up to a liveaboard
they can circumnavigate with someday.
Danno - - ElectroMarine
Services -
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